Thursday 20 February 2014

Original Magazine Photos

Front Cover
Double Page Spread
The front cover and double page spread use the same costume and props however integrate different shots. Using different shots helps prevent boredom when reading through the magazine, however costumes had to be the same as my front cover made it clear that the main article would use this artist so it had to be relatable. 

Contents Page
This image uses the same model previously seen in other pages. However introduces the second side to the rap lifestyle previously discovered in earlier planning. The shot still uses discrete, more common conventions of rap such as the ring jewellery.
The second picture used in my contents page also presents conventions of rap found in earlier planning. Hats and rings were often seen throughout costume and props analysis of existing artists meaning my shots become more realistic by including the features. Body warmers were also frequent in costumes found in planning.
My final picture uses hats and hoody which were both frequently seen throughout planning. Both items are often associated with the rap genre. The model used is using a hand gesture which are also a typical convention of rap, they connote gangs which are relevant within this genre. 


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