Friday 28 February 2014

Production Schedule

Task:                       Dates carried out:

Researching Genres - 15/10/2013

My Chosen Genre - 16/10/2013

Moodboard - 22/10/2013

Audience Research - 25/10/2013

Reader Profile - 2/11/2013

Costume/Props Planning - 3/11/2013

Title Block Analysis - 6/3/2013

Textual Analysis - 12/11/2013

Photograph Drafts - 18/11/2013-19/11/2013

Photographs Taken - 24/11/2013-28/11/2013

Magazine Drafts - 1/12/2013-8/12/2013

Magazine Cover - 12/12/2013-28/12/2013

Magazine Contents - 2/1/2014-16/1/2014

Double Page Spread Article - 18/1/2014

Magazine Double Page Spread - 20/1/2014-8/2/2014

Thursday 20 February 2014

Original Magazine Photos

Front Cover
Double Page Spread
The front cover and double page spread use the same costume and props however integrate different shots. Using different shots helps prevent boredom when reading through the magazine, however costumes had to be the same as my front cover made it clear that the main article would use this artist so it had to be relatable. 

Contents Page
This image uses the same model previously seen in other pages. However introduces the second side to the rap lifestyle previously discovered in earlier planning. The shot still uses discrete, more common conventions of rap such as the ring jewellery.
The second picture used in my contents page also presents conventions of rap found in earlier planning. Hats and rings were often seen throughout costume and props analysis of existing artists meaning my shots become more realistic by including the features. Body warmers were also frequent in costumes found in planning.
My final picture uses hats and hoody which were both frequently seen throughout planning. Both items are often associated with the rap genre. The model used is using a hand gesture which are also a typical convention of rap, they connote gangs which are relevant within this genre. 


Wednesday 19 February 2014

Double page spread article

Luke Moore, better known as his stage name Young Toolz, grew up  with his mum in North London. At 15, he was expelled from school and decided to stop education all together, this was when he started making short free style rap videos and posting them onto YouTube. Progressivly the young ameture started recieving more and more views and began to recieve recognition for his short videos. At 16, Luke created his image of Young Toolz and the name has stuck with him ever since. He started writing and posting full songs and joining minor social events where he would do warm up performances before headline acts. From the shows Young Toolz was able to expand his recognition and begin to build a fan base. For the next year Young Toolz stuck to making YouTube tracks and began to make music videos aswell. In 2011 Young Toolz released his first mixtape ‘Dedicated’ including six songs. From the mixtape Young Toolz watched his fan base grow and at 18 years old, he entered an underground rap competition were he won from a crowd vote. This was the begining of the Young Toolz era. Luke’s YouTube blew up over night as he recieved up to 120,000 views on videos. 3 weeks after his victory at the competition Young Toolz was approaced by an ameture record company who offered him a deal to produce an album under their name in return for advertisement. Shortly after agreeing Young Toolz relesed his dedubt album ‘Only the Begining’ which was supported from his fan base and recived effective advertisment from the record label. After the successful release, the business offered Toolz a record deal including a wage although Luke declined deciding to produce his next album ‘To The Top’ on his own over the next 18 months. In early 2014 Young Toolz released the album only to find himself reaching number one on the charts with his single hit ‘Power’ following the sales of the album Young Toolz has recently announced the tour dates and locations begining in June and is currently selling tickets. Young Toolz has told Grind that he plans to release one more solo album before thinking about the next stage in his career.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Title Block Analysis

The magazine 'We Love Pop' clearly represents the pop genre and shows connotations in its logo. For example the bright colours represent the younger audience particularly pink connoting females. The title comes across as clean and almost animated to represent its content being clear and non-explicit.

Kerrang is a heavy metal magazine and follows the conventions associated with the heavy metal genre in its title. The rough font connotes the represented genre of heavy metal being aggressive and loud.

The title represents a pop/rock magazine and the font and presentation is simplistic to show how the magazine only involves these genres.
This title is also uses a simplistic approach with its title, a larger font is used to show the name and 'magazine' is shown below as its not as important

The font style chosen for my magazine integrates re-occurring features found from other magazines mastheads. Most magazines used large black fonts to help them stand out on the magazine. Vibe used simple spaces between each letter which I thought was effective to the reader as it makes the masthead very clear. I tried to find a font which slightly introduced the spaces as I believe readers will be more attracted to a title that looks good. To further improve the aesthetics, I introduced a discrete drop shadow onto the title to help in stand above other text used on the front cover.