Wednesday 15 January 2014

Title Block Analysis

The magazine 'We Love Pop' clearly represents the pop genre and shows connotations in its logo. For example the bright colours represent the younger audience particularly pink connoting females. The title comes across as clean and almost animated to represent its content being clear and non-explicit.

Kerrang is a heavy metal magazine and follows the conventions associated with the heavy metal genre in its title. The rough font connotes the represented genre of heavy metal being aggressive and loud.

The title represents a pop/rock magazine and the font and presentation is simplistic to show how the magazine only involves these genres.
This title is also uses a simplistic approach with its title, a larger font is used to show the name and 'magazine' is shown below as its not as important

The font style chosen for my magazine integrates re-occurring features found from other magazines mastheads. Most magazines used large black fonts to help them stand out on the magazine. Vibe used simple spaces between each letter which I thought was effective to the reader as it makes the masthead very clear. I tried to find a font which slightly introduced the spaces as I believe readers will be more attracted to a title that looks good. To further improve the aesthetics, I introduced a discrete drop shadow onto the title to help in stand above other text used on the front cover.