Monday 25 November 2013

Costume/props planning

 Many costumes involved hoods and gloves to cover up a lot. However on the other side of rap other lifestyle is explored of the stereotypical gangster where costumes involve suits and ties which could also be considered in the costumes used in my product.
Re-occurring props include glasses and jewellery. This helps me plan for my shots used as I want to try and make it as realistic as possible, meaning jewellery should be considered.


Friday 15 November 2013

Reader Profile

Reader Profile: The Urban Reader

Josh is 21 and is finishing his final year at university in Brighton, studying a course in engineering. He has a weekend job at a local garage where he fixes small car and bike problems. Josh has loved listening to music and hip hop has been his favourite media since he was 14. Important parts of his life are encouraged by hip hop such as his fashion style, hobbies and some of his social life. Josh always carries his iPod with him to listen to his music throughout the majority of the day; he especially likes listening to music through studying engineering or working on a job. Josh also owns an apple mac and occasionally makes his version of beats he’s heard from his favourite songs. He is always seeking latest news around hip hop involving artists and their lives outside of music.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Graph Results for Magazine Questionnaire

Over 70% of people responded saying one large image would be preferable rather than numerous smaller images. This helps me as I have an understanding of the majority view although later discovered that one large image is a typical convention of most magazines meaning it would of been likely to be used even in the results were slightly unfavourable of the idea.
By finding out what attracts a customer most to a magazine, certain factors can be prioritised and altered to match my chosen audience. These results suggest I should focus more on artists and general news rather than events and competitions.
When results of a question return with even answers, its safe to go ahead with the idea in my opinion. In this case its competitions, involving them in my product wouldn't take too much time meaning I can reach a wider audience with the competition however readers that aren't interested don't have to participate.

The results show me what my target audience is likely to be interested in when reading the double page spread. From this I can see that customers will prefer news about an up-coming artist rather than an already famous musician or band.
Gender was involved in the questionnaire as I had aimed to generally target males for my product, however I realised that a niche market of girls interested in the genre may exist and want to read through the magazine, so some females were also included in the magazine to avoid gender bias.
I also had to involve age in the questionnaire because I had planned to aim my magazine at a younger audience, meaning the majority of participants were a younger age. Although, likewise to gender, some older customers may be interested in the product so a minority of most other age groups were involved.
I had decided five different colours schemes to include in the questionnaire, one of which would definitely be used in the magazine. This question showed me what colour scheme would be preferred and I went forward with these results later in production.
To make a more realistic presentation of my magazine, I wanted to include a price tag on the front cover. I needed to make sure the price wasn't too expensive or too cheap so I asked questionnaire participants to find out a realistic price which was later included on the front cover.
I needed to make sure the ratio of image to text was suitable for the target audience. By asking what readers would prefer to see I found that it was pretty much even, because of this I tried to balance out the images and text involved throughout the magazine.
The front cover is the first thing the audience see so I needed to make sure I included what the customers would want to see. The results suggested that I should focus more on the title and images used, this helped me organise my planning in future tasks.